
Waves complete v.8
Waves complete v.8

waves complete v.8

Single click text entry in Pro Tools now registers correctly in Undo/Redo.Various keyboard event-stealing issues were eliminated.Dorrough Meters graphic refresh rate no longer drops when multiple instances are opened.New lower prices across the Waves product line.Most plug-ins now available individually.Mouse cursor displays a spinning Waves icon during plug-in scan (Windows only).Mouse wheel support for plug-in controls.Smoother response of meters and other status indicators during preview.Improved control responsiveness during preview.Enhanced support for ICON control LED indicators for all EQ & Dynamics plug-ins.

waves complete v.8

Integrated support for Novation Automap application (V3.8 or higher) and Novation controllers (Waves supports 'unwrapped' mode only).Preset 'Load' menu – multi-level support for preset indication bullet.Waves Artists presets integrated into plug-in preset menus.Factory preset navigation via host preset menus in VST3 and Audio Units.Preset previous/next navigation buttons.Improved Toolbar and Presets Management:.Last but not least, V8 marks the first time users can purchase the vast majority of Waves plug-ins individually, a la carte. Other developments include faster loading times, mouse-wheel control, improved metering in AudioSuite, Novation Automap SDK implementation and enhanced support for Avid Icon console EQ and dynamics sections.

Waves complete v.8